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Friday, 17 June 2016

What is Rooting ? Advantages and Disadvangtes of Rooting

In this article i will explain each and every thing about rooting there are lots of my friends who still want to know what is rooting and whats its advantages and disadvantages. When ever a person buy new android phone there is lots of question comes in his mind that how to access full control in it and how to root it.

So i decided to help those people and give sophisticated and correct information about root and how its work.

What is Rooting ? What is the purpose to Root Android Phone ?.

The word Root is taken from Linux & Unix and we can define it like that a person who can take full control in a operating system and all its files as a super user.

we can simply define it with short word

 " Administrative Privileges "

For example :- If a person got an Admin control in any websites or forum then what he can do that with the admin privileges.

For that purpose we need to modify our phone because we want to take full control in our android phone files. Its can b possible only when we root our phone.

Purpose of Root :-

When you buy new Android phone you can use it as a guest user same its like a windows operating system has a guest user he can not change any thing in system files. If we are an owner of any thing and we don't have right to access its full control.

When you rooted your phone then you can reach to the system files and access it like a super user for that reason we need to root our phone. The biggest purpose to root our phone is to change the operating system with root access we can easily replace or change our Operating system.

Advantages :-

There are few advantages of rooted phone

1.Custom software (ROM'S)
Rom is a software through which our phone is working and its store in our read only memory in our device there is lots of custom ROM is available from different developer through which we can give a new look to our device and its just possible when our phone is rooted.

2.Un official software updating
If we are using android phone and its start updating an older version and we want to update it on latest version after searching we got answer that there is no official update is available then we choose the 2nd way to update in un official software at that time rooted perform a value like a back bone.

3.Free internal storage.

4.Base band updating.

5.Amroid batter life, speed and tweaked kernel.

6.Unlocking additional features.

7.Backing up and restoring device.

8.Running special application ( Root only applications )

9.CPU over locking

10.Removing unwanted system applications.

Disadvantages :-

There are few disadvantages of rooted phone

The reason is to not root your phone is breaking risk. For example your phone is got screw up and its not working properly then your phone can be useless for you .

2.Security Risk.
Thread or virus can attack on your rooted device 1/3 of non rooted device.

3.Warranty :-
There is no any big risk accept those which i have explain above.

It is possible to UN Root our phone again from Root :-

Yes you can do that there is two types of rooting

1. Temporarily rooting
2. Permanent rooting

In both case you can UN root you phone easily.

I hope you will like this article keep visiting and share it with your friends.

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