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Saturday, 18 June 2016

How to Write a Blog Post to Attract More People to Love Read

Are you a new blogger for business or personal? Well i am going to start with basic thing that every blogger should know but for the beginners it is very important that how to start a blog and write good and attractive contents because there is many blogger in the world who have a great and wide knowledge about blogging and how to post it because blogging mean share your words with others and its is very important for you how to write and what kind of content you write to deliver to the people or for your viewers each and every thing you have to explain easily for the viewers that they can understand easily.

In this article you will discover a few basic tips to a well written blog post. These tips will help you how to create or write a post that easy for reader to follow and make them loyal fans of your blogs.

#1 : Collect Ideas and Topics :-

When ever you want to start your blog the first thing you should keep in your mind that on which topic you want to write and express your self because you have to choose a right and best topic it is not an easy in starting you will find some difficulties but time to time you will learn and understand it so when you try to post on a blog choose the ideas for example if you wan to write about fashion, cocking, sports, and designing you must have a wide range of knowledge and data about your topic what you have to choose and want to post if you are lack of data and you don't have much word to describe your self and viewers don't get it its mean you have lose your fan or viewers because people want to read all the thing about what you have post and this thing you must keep in your mind before start any post.

#2 : Create Your Post :-

 Now the 2nd step is when you have collect all the data and ideas about your post now this time you will do work very patiently because now your going to connect with people and your post must be easy for readers to follow.

The first paragraph of a blog post should always introduce is what your post is about. You can engage readers by starting with a question and start writing from personal point of view.

Your first paragraph must be of 50 to 60 words to connect with your viewers because short introduction of the blog post clearly explains its topic in just a few word.

When you write the body of the post try to write try to find the best way how the readers will like it and write best content which is easily accessible.

Try to divide your post in to sections and break up your content into small pieces which is easily readable and attractive and add heading in every section.

Add Images in to your Post

When you start posting and you want to make it more interesting and entertaining for the people include beautiful images which will attract the readers and it will make your post more beautiful and readers will come again in to your blog for more interesting post.

#3 : Do not Use Unnecessary Words:-

When you think your post says what you want to deliver to your fans and readers. Read it first and make sure that your post is good or not for your readers and followers and try to think about their points of view
if you feel that there is unnecessary words you have include and it doesn't make any sense to your readers remove it and make it more simple for readers because you know about your readers that what kind of words and content they like.

#4 : Deliver on the Post of your Title:- 

The title of your post must be attractive and SEO-friendly it must be as easy for the readers and your fans to understand it first glance. Because the more simple and easy title can brings more viewers and readers if you write a typical and hard title the readers will skip and will search another post or blog because you should think that what your viewers like so in that case you can increase your followers.

These are some basic tips for the beginners who want to create their own blog. Blogging is not that hard to do it but it need your concentration and if you want to attract people on your blog and also want a huge list of fans then you will hard for it try to search best content and write exact what you know about the article.

I hope this article will help you if yes share it with your friends and help them to start their own blog.

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