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Sunday, 12 June 2016

How to Identify Fake Facebook Account

In this article i will reveal some basic tips from which you will identify that the Facebook id is fake or not as we know that now a days in social media mostly people are using Facebook and its is a best way to connect to our loved ones friends colleagues and family members if some one live far or near through this we communicate easily and share our feelings no one can deny the importance of Facebook in our life we can call it a internet or social life because all around the world people communicate with each and other.

But the thing that we think about some time is that if we connect some one like new friends is that person is fake or true because some time we didn't recognize and we start chatting and share our personal life experience what we think the person that we are connect is our friends or family member after long time we realize that this person is fake and then we have nothing except repentance.

In a survey the thing has been disclose that in Facebook 20-30% account are fake or even more now a question is that how to stopped being scam from fake people on Facebook well their is no any technology who can save you from fake people but their is some tips which i will explain it if every one follow these tips hope they can identify the fake people.

Tips Are Given Below :-

1.Profile Picture :-

First thing is when some one want to connect with us he will send us a friend request and he will eager to chat with us what you should do at that time just see a profile picture if you feel that some thing  is suspicious go to your friend list and check the same picture of any of your friend have it or not and try to do a reverse image search this helps you find out any similar image on internet.

 One thing you can do is download the profile picture of a person of whom you want to check the identity is fake or not go to Google Search and click on camera icon which says Search by image click on upload an image which you have download earlier once the uploaded complete google will show the result of similar images that already exist over internet.

2.Girls Profile :-

Many of fake people create their fake account with girls identity and with a beautiful profile picture to attract more people on their account.If you notice girls didn't give his phone number on Facebook but the fake account show his number and also he will have to much friends in his friend list and a lots of followers it indicate that this profile is fake.

Example :-

3.TimeLine :-

Another important thing which you can guess easily is Facebook Timeline of a Facebook account says a lot about that profile.Fake people mostly create their fake Facebook account with female name or gender.But this doesn't mean that all females accounts with female gender is fake.There are many other things to identify fake Facebook accounts and its a bit easily if you concentrate on their account.

If a person has 2 or 3 profile picture and some are celebrities images its mean this account is fake.

If the person doesn't log in daily and update his status if he does the comment and doesn't comment or other status then its probably a fake account.

Also the About tab can give you more information about the person if you didn't get more information then its mean this account is fake.

4.Check Out Their Friend List :-

This tip will help you most check out their friends if you see the local friends is more than the Global friends then its ok other wise if the amount of Global friends is more then it can be suspicious and you should be careful.

5.Block The Request :-

If you are not feeling comfortable with a person then their is a simple solution don't accept friend request and block them completely.

You can block him if he contacting you continuously or report him to Facebook team.

Never ever accept the request if you don't know the person exactly and always being connect with your friends.

  I hope this article will help you and prevent you from fake people share this as much with your friends to help others being scammed.

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